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Wild Angels

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A Wild Angel trusts that life takes care of life, she believes in magic and she uses her hands and voice to bring love, compassion and grace in the world.

She creates peace and quiet in her life, from where she retrieves her sacred intuitive wisdom and connects with her divine. The holiness in herself

To achieve this you will integrate all your parts. The wanted and unwanted, the light and the dark, the broken and the whole, the body and the soul. Embody your wisdom, you can never outlive the source. Become your unlimited edition.

Celestial Woman Collection Black and Whi
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Ring the bells that still can ring.

Forget your perfect offering.

-Leonard Cohen-

Magic & Mystery Collection Goddess Symbo

The Wild Angel Transmissions are led by Isis & Lilith. They are lovers of life and embracers of the sacred quest. Moving at the crosspoint where spirit meets life, they are powerful creators and manifestors of the life they love. 




Isis, aka the blonde isness, is an enthusiastic and intense being devoted to joy. She is perpetual student of life, craving to dig deep and unearth new wisdom and tools for an outstanding life and growth from within. She loves being on a natural high and is always in for a new adventure, either creative or spiritual, and likes to steer away from anything shallow. 

Her special powers focus around creating high vibes by nourishing your soul with health foods, ayurveda, yoga and meditation and igniting the connection with your inner power and wisdom. Isis is a daughter of heaven and earth and a messenger of the gods, translating old scriptures and rituals in hands on action. 




Lilith is a multi-talented creator, healer and a spaceholder for ancient rituals and feminine wisdom. Words that define her are creativity, beauty, perseverance and self reverence. Being fully grounded on this plane she loves working with her hands, harnessing the energy and resources of nature, specifically Bach Flowers, essential oils, local clay for her pottery and local wool for her vilt creations. Her designs and paintings beautify the online world.

She is a lifetime Reiki Student, certified by Lisa Powers &  Keziah Gibbons, a practitioner of Shamanism and a student of the Gaia Wisdom School of Dakota Earth Cloud Walker,  initiated in the Healers Rite, The Band of Power Rite, the Harmony Rite and Sacred Space keeper Rite. She is also a fully certified Vinyasa Yoga teacher trained by Sardie Nardini and a belly dancer. 

One magical day in 2020 we have been called on this sacred mission.

Hineni, hineni, we are ready to offer all our talents on the altar of life. 

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